=== Ultimate Blocks - WordPress Blocks Plugin === Contributors: dotcamp, ultimateblocks, imtiazrayhan, istiakrayhan, erdembircan, alexius08 Tags: blocks, gutenberg blocks, gutenberg, block editor, free Requires at least: 5.8 Tested up to: 6.6 Stable tag: 3.2.2 Requires PHP: 5.6 License: GPL3+ License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt Create Better Content With The Block Editor. Custom Blocks for Bloggers and Content Marketers. == Description == [Get Pro](https://ultimateblocks.com/pricing/) | [Documentation](https://ultimateblocks.com/docs/) Ultimate Blocks is a free powerhouse for bloggers and content marketers using WordPress. It's not just a plugin, it's a toolkit to skyrocket user engagement and simplify content creation. With Ultimate Blocks, you're not just adding functionalities; you're crafting experiences. From interactive content filters, captivating call-to-actions, to social sharing made effortless, every block is a step towards a more engaging and visually appealing website. It's about making every visit count, every interaction memorable, and every content piece a breeze to create and manage. Transform your WordPress journey; let Ultimate Blocks be the catalyst for your website's success. Ultimate Blocks currently includes the following blocks: * Coupon (Available in Pro) - [View Demo](https://ultimateblocks.com/coupon-block/) * Timeline (Available in Pro) - [View Demo](https://ultimateblocks.com/timeline-block) * Content Filter - [View Demo](https://ultimateblocks.com/content-filter-block/) * Review (Schema Markup Enabled) - [View Demo](https://ultimateblocks.com/schema-review-block/) * HowTo Schema - [View Demo](https://ultimateblocks.com/howto-schema-block/) * Table of Contents - [View Demo](https://ultimateblocks.com/table-of-contents-block/) * Tabbed Content - [View Demo](https://ultimateblocks.com/tabbed-content-block/) * Call to Action - [View Demo](https://ultimateblocks.com/call-to-action-block/) * Content Toggle (Accordion) - [View Demo](https://ultimateblocks.com/content-toggle-accordion-block/) * Styled Box - [View Demo](https://ultimateblocks.com/styled-box-block/) * Styled List - [View Demo](https://ultimateblocks.com/styled-list-block/) * Expand - [View Demo](https://ultimateblocks.com/expand-block/) * Testimonial - [View Demo](https://ultimateblocks.com/testimonial-block/) * Click to Tweet - [View Demo](https://ultimateblocks.com/click-to-tweet-block/) * Social Share - [View Demo](https://ultimateblocks.com/social-share-block/) * Countdown - [View Demo](https://ultimateblocks.com/countdown-block/) * Progress Bar - [View Demo](https://ultimateblocks.com/progress-bar-block/) * Post Grid - [View Demo](https://ultimateblocks.com/post-grid-block/) * Star Rating - [View Demo](https://ultimateblocks.com/star-rating-block/) * Image Slider - [View Demo](https://ultimateblocks.com/image-slider-block/) * Button (Improved) - [View Demo](https://ultimateblocks.com/improved-button-block/) * Divider - [View Demo](https://ultimateblocks.com/divider-block/) We have more exciting blocks in the making. Have a suggestion? [Let us know](https://ultimateblocks.com/contact/). ## Join Us To Get Updates and Resources * [Visit Ultimate Blocks Website](https://ultimateblocks.com?utm_medium=wp.org&utm_source=wordpressorg&utm_campaign=readme&utm_content=ultimateblocks) * [Follow Us on Twitter](http://twitter.com/Ultimate_Blocks) * [Join Our Support Community](https://ultimateblocks.com/community/) * [Join Our Facebook Group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/ultimateblocks/) ## More Info About the Blocks **Content Filter** Content Filter lets your visitors filter the content based on different filters. You can let your users go through your content more easily. **Review Block** Add a review block with product name, features, summary, button and star rating. It is Schema Markup enabled. **HowTo Schema Block** Add HowTo Schema with sections, steps and valid schema data. **Table of Contents Block** Generate a table of contents from your headings. **Tabbed Content Block** Add content in tabs in your posts/pages. This comes with a nice drag and drop feature to sort the tabs. **Call to Action Block** Add a nice call to action box with a button. Encourage users to take action, engage more. You can customize everything in the block. **Content Toggle** Add contents in accordions. Let visitors expand them and show the content. **Styled Box Block** Add styled box like - Notification box, Number box, Feature box in your content. Three templates now, more in the making. **Styled List Block** This block lets you add a styled list in your post or pages. Instead of bullets you can use various icons as your list style type. You can also choose color for icons. **Expand Block** Expand Block lets you add expandable content. You can hide some part of your content initially. Upon clicking on 'Show More' it will show. It can be hidden again. **Testimonial Block** Nice, simple testimonial box with option to add image, name, role of the testimonial author. **Click to Tweet** Add tweetable content in your posts/pages. **Social Share Block** Add social share buttons in your posts and pages with this blocks. It comes with lots of customization options too. **Countdown Block** Add a countdown in your post/pages. Comes with three different styles. **Progress Bar Block** Add Cirle/Line Progress bar with this blocks. Comes with options to change thickness, color. **Post Grid Block** Add a list or grid of your posts. Comes with options to change categories, order and many more. **Star Rating Block** Add Star ratings in your posts/pages. You can customize size, color, numbers of stars. **Image Slider Block** Add a lightweight, simple image slider in your post. Comes with additional settings. **Button Block** Button block with more customization options and controls. **Divider Block** Add custom divider between your blocks. Customize the color, size, everything. ## Other tools from us [Tableberg](https://wordpress.org/plugins/tableberg/): The Best WordPress Block Table Plugin to create beautiful and responsive tables. [GroundWP](https://wordpress.org/themes/groundwp/): Lightweight and Minimal Block Theme for efficient Full-Site Editing. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Installation Instructions = Please remember you MUST have WordPress 5.0+ or Gutenberg installed to be able to use this plugin. 1. Install Gutenberg if you are not on WordPress version 5.0+. 2. Upload the ultimate-blocks.zip file via the plugin page of WordPress by clicking ‘Add New’ and selecting the zip from your local computer. 3. Activate the plugins through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress. That's it. You're done! = I Need Help with Gutenberg = [Join Our Support Community](https://ultimateblocks.com/community/) or [Join Our Facebook Group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/ultimateblocks/) and ask us. We will help you. == Screenshot == 1. Review Block (Schema Enabled). 2. Table of Contents Block. 3. Tabbed Content Block. == Changelog == = 3.2.2 = * NEW: Link to Divider Feature in Table of content block. * NEW: Add gap option in Star Rating block. * NEW: Add all typography options in counter block. * FIX: Accessibility issue in tabbed content block. * FIX: Block Editor hang when inserting pattern with UB block. * PRO: FIX: PHP warning from saved styles. = 3.2.1 = * FIX: On Split not working on WP 6.6. * FIX: Review Block Schema error. * FIX: Content Filter multiple selection not working. * FIX: Content Toggle performance issue. * FIX: Post Excerpt null warning in post grid block. * FIX: Post image preserve aspect ratio not working properly on frontend. * IMPROVE: Run counter when it visible on the screen in the counter block. * IMPROVE: Image width in image slider. * NEW: Spacing between counter and label in counter block. * NEW: Top, Right, Bottom, and Left position for the text in star rating block. = 3.2.0 = * FIX: Aspect Ratio not working on uploaded video in advanced video block. * FIX: Content Toggle not working properly. * FIX: Howto step image height showing incorrectly. * FIX: Styled List Item icon change to default on add new item by pressing enter. = 3.1.9 = * FIX: Steps not saving in the how to block. * FIX: Security issues in blocks. * FIX: Progress bar percentage position inside not showing properly. * FIX: Inner content toggle not working when search is used. * FIX: Letter spacing not working in editor advanced heading block. * NEW: Square Fill, Square Outline, Circle Fill, Circle Outline styles in the icon block. * NEW: Alignment option in table of content block. * NEW: Summary title and title font size in review block. * NEW: Slider speed to make slider work smoothly in image slider. * PRO: FIX: Horizontal Timeline not working properly on block insert. * PRO: FIX: Image alignment in Horizontal Timeline. = 3.1.8 = * FIX: Slides per view not working properly in the frontend in image slider block. * FIX: Uncaught Error on content toggle block. * PRO: FIX: Post grid block breaks when change the post type. * NEW: Block Spacing in button block. * PRO: NEW: Icon spacing in divider block. * IMPROVE: Add flex wrap on content filter buttons. * IMPROVE: Width control in divider block. = 3.1.7 = * FIX: Advanced heading generated block security checks. * FIX: Button (Improved) breaks when select empty icon. * FIX: Table of content not getting nested toggle content block. * NEW: Alignment control for the filter buttons in content filter block. * NEW: Icon Option for individual list item in styled list block. * PRO: Fix: Pro features not showing. = 3.1.6 = * FIX: Security issue in heading block. * PRO: NEW: Horizontal timeline in the timeline block. * PRO: NEW: Block Visibility Extension. = 3.1.5 = * NEW: Number settings (Show Number, Number Prefix, Number Suffix) in the progress bar block. * IMPROVE: Change default counter, and label font size in the counter block. * FIX: Counter bug when change animation. * FIX: Attribute schema validating warning in (styled list, advanced video, how to). * FIX: Countdown styling not working on frontend. * FIX: Advanced heading not working in table of content. * FIX: Image slider not showing properly in row block. * FIX: Anchor issue in tabbed content block. * PRO: NEW: Load more pagination in post grid. * PRO: FIX: Schema indexing error Bad escape sequence in string in review block. = 3.1.4 = * IMPROVE: Increase bar thickness progress bar. * IMPROVE: Make center default alignment of progress bar. * IMPROVE: Remove responsive settings from advanced video block. * IMPROVE: Add toggle color option on main content toggle block. * IMPROVE: Remove bottom white space when add a border in the advanced video block. * NEW: Content color and background color option in tabbed content. * NEW: Alignment option in advanced video. * NEW: Equal Height option in post grid. * NEW: Colors Option for (Title, Author, Date, Excerpt, Link, Post) in post grid. * NEW: Spacing Option for (Link, Content, Post) in post grid. * NEW: Row and Column gap in post grid. * NEW: Border Radius Option for (Link, Post, Image) in post grid. * FIX: Upload video height issue advanced video block. * FIX: Image alignment inside the toggle content. * PRO: FIX: Review block colors styling not working on frontend. * PRO: FIX: Show more button not working when fade is enable expand block. * PRO: NEW: Show taxonomy like badge in post grid. = 3.1.3 = * IMPROVE: Separated Styled list and list item alignment. * IMPROVE: Make default width for the uploaded video. * IMPROVE: Separated normal and hover colors in icon block. * IMPROVE: Advanced heading initially without bold. * IMPROVE: Shorts support in the advanced video block. * IMPROVE: Color Controls in the styled list block. * FIX: Shadow in the advanced video block. * FIX: Image alignment inside the tabbed content block. * FIX: Autoplay in the advanced video block youtube. * PRO: FIX: German umlauts (ä,ö,ü) not showing correctly on frontend. * PRO: NEW: Ajax functionality for the post grid pagination.