Bottega Veneta, the iconic luxury fashion house, has unveiled a collection of books that celebrate the brand’s collective spirit and rich history. The books, which comprise two volumes, showcase the work of renowned designer Gaetano Pesce for Bottega Veneta and a collection of previously unseen photographs from the Summer 23 collection.
The third volume is a fanzine curated by the brand’s Creative Director Matthieu Blazy, which features a selection of collages and collected images from his teenage years, paying homage to his longtime admiration for the legendary Kate Moss. Together, these volumes invite readers into the captivating world of Bottega Veneta, where they can embrace a childlike sense of wonder and revel in the brand’s storied past.
Since its founding in 1966, Bottega Veneta has placed a strong emphasis on collective vision and collaboration, and these books are a testament to that spirit. With stunning visuals and insightful commentary, the volumes offer a unique glimpse into the brand’s heritage and the creative minds behind it. Whether you’re a longtime fan or new to the world of Bottega Veneta, these books are a must-have addition to any fashion lover’s collection.