Bottega Veneta Portraits Of Fatherhood, fathers day Campaign, A$AP Rocky Bottega Veneta

Bottega Veneta

Portraits Of Fatherhood' 2024 Ad Campaign

Review of Bottega Veneta “Portraits Of Fatherhood” 2024 Ad Campaign by Creative Director Matthieu Blazy with Photographer Carrie Mae Weems with talent A$AP Rocky with RZA and Riot Rose

In a heartfelt celebration of fatherhood, Bottega Veneta unveils “Portraits of Fatherhood,” a poignant photography series by Carrie Mae Weems featuring A$AP Rocky. Released on Father’s Day, the series captures tender moments between Rocky and his two sons, RZA and Riot Rose, in their home.

Embracing Fatherhood

The series, commissioned by Creative Director Matthieu Blazy, presents Rocky in intimate, black-and-white images that reflect his evolution as a father and a man. From playing the piano with his sons to sharing quiet moments, the photographs offer a raw and authentic glimpse into Rocky’s life beyond his public persona. The campaign also includes a short film directed by Weems, further exploring the themes of love, family, and masculinity.

Artistic and Cultural Significance

The project draws parallels to Weems’ iconic “Kitchen Table Series,” addressing historical misrepresentations of the Black family. Weems describes the collaboration as a significant and truthful portrayal of African American fatherhood, highlighting the depth of Rocky’s experience and its broader societal impact.

A Statement Beyond Fashion

Matthieu Blazy emphasizes the campaign’s intimate and real portrayal of Rocky, praising Weems’ ability to capture the essence of fatherhood. Rocky himself views the project as a departure from typical rapper stereotypes, showcasing him as a devoted partner and father. This innovative and touching campaign not only celebrates personal growth but also challenges cultural narratives, making a profound statement on modern fatherhood.

Bottega Veneta Creative Director | Matthieu Blazy
Photographer | Carrie Mae Weems
Talent | A$AP Rocky with RZA and Riot Rose

Editorial Director | The Impression