The Foundation Commits To Fund Scholarships For Fashion Students From Underrepresented Communities Over The Next Four years
The Capri Holdings Foundation for the Advancement of Diversity in Fashion, established earlier this year by Capri Holdings Limited (which owns Michael Kors, Versace, and Jimmy Choo), has announced an expansive new scholarship program in partnership with four major fashion university programs: the Fashion Institute of Technology, Howard University, PENSOLE Academy, and Central Saint Martins – University of the Arts London. Over the next four years, the foundation will fund scholarships for nearly 100 students from historically underrepresented communities, including the BIPOC community, who are pursuing degrees in fashion and merchandising across all four institutions.
Our brands are deeply committed to helping students of all backgrounds have greater educational opportunities and real-world experiences. These scholarships aren’t just designed to ease students’ financial pressures, they are also part of a larger effort to help remove systemic roadblocks and increase opportunities for racially and ethnically diverse students within the fashion industry.”
— John D. Idol, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Capri Holdings
The effort is part of the company’s $20 million pledge to advance equality and promote long-term change in the fashion industry. During the multiyear partnership, in addition to covering tuition and room and board, the scholarships will also fund internship-related expenses for students obtaining internships within the fashion industry. Through the development of on-campus recruitment, mentorship, and scholarship programs, the foundation looks to position the next generation of talent and prepare students for successful careers in fashion.
We are incredibly grateful to the Capri Holdings Foundation for developing a scholarship program that will support the next generation of fashion leaders from underrepresented communities. The support will open up opportunities for talented students from diverse backgrounds who might otherwise not be able to engage fully with an education in fashion. This generous gift from the Capri Holdings Foundation will sustain and engage students throughout the full duration of their study and I look forward to seeing how these promising individuals develop during their time at Central Saint Martins and beyond.”
— Jeremy Till, Head of Central Saint Martins and Pro-Vice Chancellor of University of the Arts London