Review of Diesel “When Together” Spring 2021 Ad Campaign by Diesel Creative Director Glenn Martens and Director & Photographer Cheryl Dunn
Diesel unabashedly celebrates love in their first campaign from new creative director Glenn Martens. Directed and photographed by documentary filmmaker Cheryl Dunn, the campaign stars eight diverse, real couples who open up their romantic worlds to share reflections on togetherness, absence, and love.
The still imagery and the corresponding film were shot on location in New York City, placing these eight partners in familiar settings and pointing the camera at their interactions and reflections on absence, desire, and physical connection. Dunn’s experience with documentary and the fact that these are real couples means the film accesses an honest and almost too-candid depiction of romance and physical love. It is thrilling to be able to see everyday linguistic and physical depictions of love – so much so that the recently single or PDA averse might find themselves uncomfortable and annoyed.

Diesel, for me, has always stood as a radical player with its blunt honesty and its sense of fun. Its unique voice has made it an undeniable icon in culture. I want to celebrate Diesel’s founding values and restart by building bridges through a message of hope, optimism, and inclusiveness. We really are working for a better future.
– Glenn Martens, Diesel Creative Director
It always impresses us that with each new campaign, Diesel’s “For Successful Living” slogan takes on new meaning. This campaign is no exception – when the slogan appears at the bottom of an unfiltered, unstaged photo of two people making out in their apartment, we recognize that successful living means loving freely and the freedom to love. Whether the campaign makes us feel empathetic, horny, or grossed out, we are thankful to Diesel and these eight couples for sharing their honesty, bravery, and love.

Diesel Creative Director | Glenn Martens
Photographer/Director | Cheryl Dunn
Production Company | Alldayeveryday
Post-Production | Exile