For every Goliath with the resources to move mountains, retain armies, and fly-in top tier talents, there are the Davids. Those who arms aren’t able to spread quite so wide but due to wit, speed, and a little help from their friends are able to stand out in the clutters of the fashion circus.
Here at The Impression, we embrace new and established with equal measure. We especially are sensitive to those we deem in the most difficult of position, the 10-year mark; too old to be given the benefit of the doubt, and too young to pull off their grand ambitions to the fullest yet.
So here is to the Davids of the world, the other guys, the ones who constantly overcome to stand up and face Goliaths. Here are the Top 10 ‘Other’ Menswear shows of Fall 2019 as picked by our editorial staff and Chief Impressionist, Kenneth Richard.