Following its debut in 2021, the House presented its second High Watchmaking collection through a special video and an event in Geneva, called Gucci Wonderland, inspired by a magical fairground. This year also marks the 50th anniversary of Gucci Swiss Timepieces, first introduced in 1972 in the watchmaking heartland of La Chaux-de-Fonds, and distinguished by a combination of technological flair, elevated materials, and unique decorative artistry.
The kaleidoscopic collection, in which the most refined watchmaking complications appear alongside rainbow-like gems and celestial wonders, comprises three new Gucci-designed watch movements including the GUCCI 25H Skeleton Tourbillon, G-Timeless Planetarium and G-Timeless Moonlight alongside additions to the existing G-Timeless Dancing Bees and Grip Sapphire families.