Adore Me Empowers Users to Design AI-Generated Lingerie Set

Adore Me’s AI Platform Allows Customers to Design Lingerie

Adore Me has launched “AM by You,” an artificial intelligence platform that lets customers design their own personalized bralette and panty set. The generative AI tool takes cues from consumers’ prompts and turns descriptions into new looks for a stock set of foundation garments. Shoppers can add a personalized message to the elastic bands, with the sets priced at $54.95. Adore Me custom-trained the image generation models for this process.

“When the user generates a prompt, it’s translated into what we call a fashion print,” said Ranjan Roy, vice president of strategy at Adore Me. The AI model can create sophisticated images based on text prompts, ranging from graphic to abstract to watercolor styles.

The printing process is said to be of high quality, covering the entire item, and is eco-friendly. Utilizing for on-demand printing, the technology uses 99 percent less water than traditional printing methods.

Adore Me ensured intellectual property concerns by integrating content moderation into the process. Offensive material and copied designs are blocked, with human inspectors monitoring outputs. The tool alerts users if prompts include known label names to avoid intellectual property violations.

During the pilot phase, early testers engaged with the platform actively, with over 1,000 sets of AI-customized products already delivered. Roy expressed excitement about the initial reception, as many users had not previously experienced generative AI tools.

“To capture that initial magical moment that people first use image generative AI is one of the most exciting parts,” Roy said. “And then to bring it into physical reality and have them receive something at their door is an even bigger extension of that.”