The Latest Chime Zine Amplifies the Youth Voices of the UN Women’s Generation Equality Forum, Calling for Action to Advance Gender Equality
Gucci’s Chime For Change launches a new special digital edition of the Chime Zine, dedicated to the voices of youth activists and organizers of the Generation Equality Forum. The Generation Equality Forum is convened by UN Women and co-hosted by the governments of Mexico and France, in partnership with youth and civil society, to advance gender equality, fuel a multi-sector movement to ensure action and accountability, and ensure that gender equality is at the center of the post-COVID agenda.
The first part of the forum was held in Mexico City in March, with the second part held in Paris in through the end of June and beginning of July.
Released to coincide with the forum in Paris, the special edition of the zine features youth voices from countries around the world, addressing intersectional challenges and experiences with topics such as intimate partner violence, HIV/AIDS, disability, LGBTQ+ rights, migration, period poverty, and trafficking. The youth voices come together to call for global attention on these issues facing young feminists today, and to advance innovative, transformative solutions to realize a gender-equal future.
Contributors include Zahra Al Hilaly, Ilayda Eskitascioglu, Racha Haffar, Mohammed Iman Fayaz, Shantel Marekera, Doreen Moraa Moracha, Sylvain Obedi, Juan Pablo Poli, Camila Rosa, Ana Saenz de Tejada, and Anika Jane Dorothy. Edited by organizer and author Adam Eli, with art direction by visual artist MP5, the Chime Zine is available on Gucci Equilibrium, Gucci’s digital platform dedicated to social impact and sustainability.
Earlier this year, Gucci joined the Generation Equality Forum as the private sector lead on the Feminist Movements & Leadership Action Coalition, a five-year commitment.
Through the partnership, the brand commits to financial, policy, programmatic and advocacy actions in support of the coalition including commitments for: multi-year, flexible, direct funding for feminist organizations, groups, movements and activists; a dedicated global media campaign and additional activations to mobilize support among consumers around the world, including the special edition Chime Zine; and adopting, expanding, and implementing practices internally to continue to advance a gender equitable workplace for all.