Jil Sander

Jil Sander

Spring 2025 Ad Campaign

Review of Jil Sander Spring 2025 Ad Campaign by Creative Directors Lucie & Luke Meier, Art Director Heiko Keinath, and Photographer Mario Sorrenti with models Karolina Spakowski and Igor Vojinovic

Jil Sander takes its travel ambitions in nocturnal new directions with its new Spring 2025 campaign, captured by photographer Mario Sorrenti.

The campaign extends Lucie and Luke Meier’s practice of campaigns as conversations between a photographer and a location. This time around, that location is Vancouver – specifically the city at night, where the Canadian metropolis takes on a new energy. Sorrenti’s cinematic portraits are bathed in neon and streetlights, pushing a high-contrast sensibility that the Jil Sander design ethos in a slick and decadent new direction.

This campaign is set to be one of the final projects for Jil Sander from the Meiers, as the creative director duo just announced their departure from the brand. That finality thus makes this chapter an all the more important opportunity to reflect on the couple’s smart approach to campaign strategy: taking a simple formula with just a few variables, but curating smart creative choices within that space to create an expansive yet cohesive visual world.

Jil Sander Creative Directors | Lucie & Luke Meier
Art Director | Heiko Keinath
Photographer | Mario Sorrenti
Models | Karolina Spakowski and Igor Vojinovic
Hair | Tomo Jidai
Casting Director | Julia Lange
Location | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Editorial Director | The Impression