Pitti Uomo Pushed Back to February Ahead of Milan Fashion Week

Pitti Immagine Will Simultaneously Run Pitti Uomo, Pitti Filati And Pitti Bimbo At The Same Time From Feburary 21st To 23rd

The second wave of COVID-19 globally has impacted the timing of marque tradeshows Pitti Uomo, Pitti Filati, and Pitti Bimbo, pushing the Pitti Uomo show back by a month.

The 99th edition of Pitti Uomo, managed by Pitti Immagine, was originally scheduled from January 12th to 14th and will now take place simultaneously with the fair organizer other events dedicated to children’s wear and yarn collections. They will now run simultaneously from Feb. 21 to 23 at the Fortezza da Basso and Stazione Leopolda locations.

Pitti Immagine’s President Claudio Marenzi explained the move was in response to request by participants.

We received requests from exhibitors and buyers who, reiterating the need to return to a quality physical event, asked for more time to present the collections and organize their presence in Florence. In the face of these requests, we decided to postpone the start of the cycle by five weeks and come up with an innovative formula for the ensemble of fairs in the hope and belief that, in the meantime, the conditions and authorizations for holding fair events would have been restored.

– Claudio Marenzi, Presiden4 Pitti Immagine

Regarding the new timing, which runs just three days ahead of Milan Fashion Week, Raffaello Napoleone, CEO of Pitti Immagine, explained, “We are aware that by around the third week of February the sales campaigns of the collections will already be at an advanced stage, but we know that there will still be good portfolio margins for buyers, especially all those who feel the need to have a precise, physical contact with stylish products of high manufacturing value.”

Meanwhile, the group has further enhancements to their Pitti Connect digital platform, which debuted last July as part of the organizers’ effort to make up for the canceled physical shows. However, as Marenzi pointed out, the preference for returning to live events outweighed current technologies’ abilities.