Review of Skims Spring 2024 Ad Campaign by Photographer Jack Bridgland with model Sabrina Carpenter
Skims channels coquette aesthetics, 90s nostalgia, and Gen-Z stardom with its latest underwear campaign that stars Sabrina Carpenter. The rising pop icon was lensed by photographer Jack Bridgland.

The campaign makes a maximal dive into the archetypal imagery of early-90s teen movies. Decked out in bows and the collection’s lacy lingerie, the pop starlet chats on an old-school phone or chills while listening to her pink plastic CD player. While the emblems of the era are present, they are executed with a wink so as to make the visual language one of glamorous fantasy.
It’s an approach that sees Skims continue to advance its marketing mastery on two fronts. One is a more direct appeal to Gen-Z through an excellent casting choice of a talented and culturally relevant young star. The other is its move beyond the minimal aesthetic of many of its early campaigns, with this newest chapter carrying forward the practice of more involved narrative and set design that we’ve seen in recent campaigns like the ones starring Lana Del Rey or Alex Cooper.
It’s an exciting push that sees the brand wisely use its already considerable online clout to build its community even further. While the narrative of this campaign may be pure fantasy, its resonance will be real.

Skims Creative Director | Kim Kardashian
Photographer | Jack Bridgland
Model | Sabrina Carpenter