Review of Tory Burch Holiday 2022 Ad Campaign by Creative Director Tory Burch and Talent Sydney Sweeney
Sydney Sweeney and Tory Burch offer some stylish help for making it through the holidays. The actor and brand ambassador returns for a new short film that’s all about taking care of yourself to make it through the hectic season.
The film opens as Sweeney sets her voicemail greeting to let potential callers know she’s away on vacation – a moment that sets the mood of prioritizing the self that characterizes the rest of the film, which proceeds with her foolproof advice for making the most of the holidays.
Her first tip? Embrace your inner child. “Christmas is all about being festive,” a voiceover from the star tells us, “getting into the holiday spirit, connecting with your inner child, and really focusing on the things that bring you most joy — presents, love, and luck.” Here she gets a bit of help from a sporty TB tennis set and trainers.
Tip #2? Plan ahead. “During the holidays, it’s important to plan ahead. You’ll need everything around you to create a safe space, and with all of the family and friends we’re about to see, we’re going to need it.” Emotional support comes in many forms… including Sweeney’s quilted Mini Kira bag.
Tip #3: Prioritize self-care. “Organize your thoughts, clear your energy, connect with your chakras, and take care of yourself.” Her ritual of choice: a bubble bath and piles of Roxanne jewelry.
In keeping with the campaign’s theme, Tory Burch also set up a fun “holiday helpline” hosted by Sweeney, where fans can call in to get support on things like, gift suggestions, small talk advice, and more from the star.
The campaign wisely takes Tory Burch’s partnership with Sweeney to the next level, giving her more of a voice than in previous chapters and making plenty of space for her personality and talent to shine through. This step is also wisely timed to arrive in tandem with the holiday’s and a much-needed reminder of self-care: when so much of the season is about giving to others, it can be easy to forgot we also need to look after ourselves. Tory Burch shows us how it’s done with style.

Tory Burch Creative Director | Tory Burch
Talent | Sydney Sweeney