Valentino menswear redefines its roots. This season, the Maison will break from its co-ed setup of the last three years, unveiling Valentino The Narratives Menswear show, that will take place on June 16th 2023, at 2.00pm, at the Università degli Studi di Milano Statale in the city of Milan.
Maison Valentino continues its support of local communities and new generations, nurturing artistic talents and creating cultural learning opportunities with institutions and universities. The choice of Creative Director Pierpaolo Piccioli, to show on the opening day of Milano Fashion Week, in a time when the University is alive and swarms with students, is an invitation for students to experience the show live at the Statale di Milano. A full immersion into the Maison’s world of excellence and savoir-faire, attention to detail and spirit of innovation to inspire and stimulate the next generation offering a creative exchange.
Finding a city to unveil an artistic craft is a long, in-depth journey, leaning more on a city’s soul than its geography. For the Maison, Milan holds both the key to history and the roadmap to innovation. Buzzing with underground energy and of-the-moment art and cultural movements, it is in this city that Creative Director Pierpaolo Piccioli will resignify the codes of menswear, but not without looking to the past.
It was in Milan, after all, in January 1985, that Mr. Valentino Garavani staged his very first menswear show. This choice, to give a men’s collection its very own moment, forever elevated the category, while also tying the nascent codes of Valentino menswear with the city of Milan. Now, with that initial spark in mind, Pierpaolo Piccioli will redefine what was started here, pushing the male wardrobe in an ever more contemporary direction.
It’s not just the past that ties Valentino to Milan, though. In recent years, when the whole world was closed, Milan hosted both Valentino Collezione Milano and Valentino Act Collection. Set in two starkly different spaces, each show offered Pierpaolo Piccioli a space for creative expression, and a chance for his creative community to come together, no matter how far. Showing in Milan, opening the official calendar of Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana, continues to underline the importance of being part of a fashion system.
This season, the Maison has parted with its co-ed show model, elevating menswear into a singularly powerful moment. Though the category will continue to conversate with womenswear, menswear will now be put on a pedestal, a symbol of Piccioli’s redefinition of masculine codes and the growing importance of the category from the Maison’s business branch, led by CEO Jacopo Venturini.
Valentino menswear’s increasing importance has been building over the seasons . For the Unboxing Valentino collection, the House launched Maison Valentino Essentials, a selection of unmissable menswear staples that reconsider traditional rules and limitations, pushing menswear into something even more open and free. With the power of the Maison behind him, Piccioli will iterate on these staples, furthering the bounds of formalwear.
The Valentino The Narratives Menswear show will be presented as part of Milan Fashion Week, and will be streamed live on and through the Maison’s social channels.