Dior Continues to Embrace New Technologies, Platforms, and Augment Reality
Dior is taking advantage of Snapchat’s augmented reality (AR) lens to promote their most recently release sneaker, the B27. The lens allows any user to try on no less than six models of these new shoes. Dior previously played with augmented reality in their Check’N’Dior Instagram program with hats and sunglasses just a year ago.

To activate the lens, you first need to scan Dior’s QR code. You can do this using the camera in the Snapchat app itself. The lens will then be available with all the other beloved snapchat filters–the puppy dog ears and devil horns are my favorites. Point the camera at your feet, click on the screen to pull up the filter menu, scroll through until you see the Dior lens, and try it out!
This is a brilliant move by Dior. People of all demographics are active users on snapchat. By advertising in this fun and inherently shareable way, they will at the very least make a number of people aware of their product who might not have been otherwise. And at the very best entice people to buy the shoes before they’ve truly tried them on in our not augmented reality. COVID-19 has made in-person retail less feasible, and Dior has found a way to give people the experience of trying something on without having to interact with a physical product.
In the age of streaming shows rather than watching live TV with ads, skipping through YouTube ads, and a general skepticism to the manipulations “consumer culture,” Dior is trying out a new way to make advertisements agreeable.